Message of the NCSC Board

Among the three clusters established under East African holdings, i.e. Construction & Engineering Cluster, Agri-business Cluster and …. Cluster), the construction and engineering cluster manages the National cement Share Company, premix and Real estate PLC.).

These companies were re-organized lately in 2015 under one umbrella, as they are inherently interlinked in nature and the synergy created through vertical integration in operation brings an exceeding comparative advantage and better competitiveness in the construction industry/market.

With this formation and being under the auspices of the Executive Director, since 2015, the companies, formulating respective strategic plans have been operating for the last couple of years.

Untying their barriers/hurdles and capitalizing on available opportunities and hands-on experience, each one of them, in addition to turning around respective businesses, have registered significant leaps in multi-faceted measures.

Among which, National cement Share Company, can be cited exemplary in regard to speed of turnaround and magnitude of transformation.

Let us take few success factors. Engaging in proactive management practice and deepening sense of ownership, professionalism and accountability, in this budget year, it has reached a capacity utilization of 97%, which is unprecedented not just by local but continental standards as well.

Operating in a relatively not comforting business environment, it managed to secure, in export marketing, around 18 million American dollars in foreign earnings.

Let me add one more, with only a capacity of 3000 TPD and being located 500 kms. away from central market, competing with both local and international firms operating in the country, National Cement stood 4th following Dangote, Derba, Messobo.

National strongly believes in seeking and tapping new opportunities, facing and resolving challenges and travelling to untried territories. National also believes in long-term win-win partnerships.

Therefore, inviting all who pursue same motto, to work and mutually benefit from joint business, it also would like to re-iterate to its existing customers and suppliers, its unwavering determination for joint engagement and success.


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